Lake Champlain | Teen Ink

Lake Champlain

October 29, 2010
By Scotish-Hammer BRONZE, Fonda, New York
Scotish-Hammer BRONZE, Fonda, New York
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One August day my dad and I went to Lake Champlain to my aunt’s boyfriend’s house. We sat there a while as they got the boat ready. When we set off we had to go down the road to the boat launch, we got the boat in the water at about noon. We started trolling with down riggers, they are big huge fishing poles used for deep lakes and big fish. We trolled a rock ledge and got a few bites. The poles smack up and start going crazy as the fish fights to get free. Unfortunately we lost most of them. We started heading over to deeper waters. The water depth was nearly 200ft! We got into a school of lake trout it was all quiet, then out of no wear, whack! The pole shot up and the fish was on. My aunt’s boyfriend set the hook and gave it to me. It was a fight and it was heavy. It was so deep after about 5 minutes I got it to the surface. It was a 22in lake trout and it was unconscious. They brought it up and the gills were bleeding. We went to rest of the day with blood on the deck. I don’t care I caught a huge fish but it was small for that area. I brought it up so fast it died because of the swim bladder expanded and killed it. A little bit later we snagged a whit fish and we threw it off. They are small and it was there a while. It died and a seagull got it. Then we had a huge storm with 3 foot chops. The boat rocked like mad and I nearly got sick. It was pouring rain and we had to stop. We had a couple more bites but the storm scarred of the fish. We ended up in Vermont and we trolled back to the launch. We got back and pulled the boat in. I got my picture taken with the fish and began the long ride home.
It is a 3 hour long drive back to Fonda. We were almost to the top of Lake Champlain. We stopped once and I slept the whole ride mostly. I got 5 hours of sleep last night and I was tired. We got home about midnight and I thought I would never sleep. As soon as I hit the pillow my eyes closed and I slept until noon. I woke up and my dad told me it was 22in but he never weighed it. I was happy from then on and I told everyone that was the second biggest fish I caught. The first was a blue fish from the Atlantic Ocean when we went deep sea fishing when I was seven. It was three feet and I never weighed it. That fish almost threw me overboard until my mom handed her pole to the attendant and grabbed me. I was tangled with my aunt and uncle and their blue fish. I while always remember that lake trout and that blue fish, as long as I live.

The author's comments:
Iwas abot 11 when i caught the lake trout. Also i was 7 when i caught that blue fish. This is my english project and i hope i get a good grade.

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