Scary story! Dun dun DUNNN!!! | Teen Ink

Scary story! Dun dun DUNNN!!!

November 3, 2010
By Brownieboy040594 BRONZE, Kennesaw, Georgia
Brownieboy040594 BRONZE, Kennesaw, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Well it was like any cliché moment of fright…very dark nights were the shadows ruled over the entire world. Mysteries held by the dark world never to be revealed. We were huddled together around the tv, like friends gathered around a campfire, except the movie was our fire. The Grudge is what we watched that unforgettable night. As the film played, I felt those cold, icy dead ghastly hands run up and down my spine throughout the film. I thought it was just a figment of my imagination. Maybe I had gotten to into the movie and my mind decided to play tricks on poor little me. As the film reached the ending, I felt the coldest hands imaginable grab me from behind. I realized it was Willy…he had decided to make me shriek like a girl….he got what he wanted.

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