Officially a Brooklyn Girl | Teen Ink

Officially a Brooklyn Girl

March 5, 2011
By Tammy Chaimov BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Tammy Chaimov BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life has a way of turning on you. One thing that I learned is that the more you hate something or some place, the greater chance you have of ending up face to face with it. Thats my story, and these are my thoughts…
I was born in Queens, NY and lived there for about 10 years of my life. Ever since childhood I remember hating those “Family Shopping Days on Brighton Beach”. Brooklyn to me was always a filthy & dirty place. I totally forgot about Brooklyn though, after living in Miami for all these years and enjoying this paradise. I was forced to remember about it after all this time when my parents announced our move. I was devastated and cried every night, since the moment the bomb dropped. Every time I heard the “B” word I felt my throat close and the salty tears gather under my eyes. It’s been 5 months now since I found out, and we are moving in less than a month. Although there is less time to spend in Miami, and my Brooklyn tantrums should have gotten worse, they disappeared completely. A lot has changed these past few days. I realized that there is nothing holding me back here. Friends move on & memories fade—thats just life. Today was the day that I realized all this. I realized that there are many ways to look at things. Some people look in a puddle and see dirty water, and others look into it and see the reflection of the rainbow in the sky. I want to be the optimistic one that sees the rainbow. I want to start off my life as a BROOKLYN GIRL on a positive note and from now on, nothing will change my mind. G_D cleared my path, he set all the people free- the ones that I had here. He made the move on and forget about me, but only for my benefit, that way it is easier to fly. Sure, I won’t have my early morning runs next to the lake and I won’t have those sunday morning sun tans on the beach. But what I will have is a new start, a new beginning & thats the most important thing. There is nothing more steady than change itself. Here’s to the new life I have ahead!

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on Mar. 26 2011 at 5:47 pm
XxTickleM3EmoxX PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
22 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
L.Why is everyone O. trying to find it? V. Maybe it&#039;s hidden for a reason...E.<br /> <br /> If you look in the mirror and dont like what you see, you might find out first hand what its like to be me...

im from brooklyn(: its theee best!