Teen Pregnancy! | Teen Ink

Teen Pregnancy!

January 5, 2012
By ashleylovesyouu BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
ashleylovesyouu BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you have unprotected sex, the choice comes with a consequence. That consequence just happens to be teen pregnancy. There are many teens out there getting pregnant at a young age. They all wonder what would happen if they stayed in school, and not dropped out. Maybe they could have got a job and an education. Teen pregnancy is a major problem in the United States. In teen pregnancy, nearly thirteen percent of all births in the United States were teenage girls from the ages 14 to 19. What options would even be available to pregnant teens? Most pregnant teen relationships end up in tragic situations such as breaking up and becoming a single mother. There is really no way to stop teen pregnancy even pro testing against this cause, does not always work. Protesters have attempted but failed at reasoning with them. I am however not against it. To me it is the teenagers choice, if she wants to chance being a single mother that’s her decision, as well as adoption. Many teen moms have chosen adoption because they have no time for a kid, because they have to go to school. Another reason why they might do adoption is because their parents don’t allow it. As for keeping a child while in your teens may be very difficult, some do it. Teen parenting can be one of the scariest and most intimidating realities faced by any pregnant teen. However, choosing teen parenting over adoption or terminating the pregnancy can also be a noble choice if the teen is prepared to seek help in providing a good life to their baby. Although most teen pregnancies are an accident they still occur. Most teenagers rely on their parents for money and support. Therefore if the teenager gets pregnant her parents are going to have to not only support the pregnant teen but the teens daughter or son as well. Sometimes the baby may get miscarried, some causes of that are teen mothers use of drugs and alcohol, including cigarette smoking. No amount of any of these substances is safe for use in pregnancy, but the teens still do it to “seem cool.” In conclusion, teen pregnancy happens more often than it use to. I am for keeping the baby, if the teen is prepared and also for adoption if necessary.

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