The Passion of Music | Teen Ink

The Passion of Music

April 23, 2012
By Stephen Drane BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Stephen Drane BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
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I'm a music nerd. It's in my blood. My father is a Music Minister so I got my passion from him. My first musical experience was when I sang in a children's choir and then my love for music flourished. I began writing my own lyrics in the sixth about anything I could think of.
In the eighth grade, I picked up my first guitar and I began learning and making my own music. After playing guitar for about two years, I picked up a ukulele and began learning that and it became my new love. After I got bored with the ukulele, I decided to play harmonica and I've been playing ever since. Music has become apart of me.
Today, I'm a one man band. I've written around thirty songs, and play guitar, tambourine, harmonica, and sing at the same time. If I'm not playing music, I'm either taking pictures or sleeping. Music is my passion. All thanks to my father, I was introduced to music and my passion for music is continuously growing.

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