My Birthday Experience | Teen Ink

My Birthday Experience

May 11, 2012
By Marina Brown BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Marina Brown BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My most memorable birthday was the one I had last year, July 13, 2011. That week was actually the week that we went to Denver, Colorado, with Upward Bound. We got there on a Monday, night and the first thing that we did was go shopping. The next day we went to the mine, ate lunch at their park, and went white water rafting. It was so much fun, even though it rained on us when we went out on the water and it was very cold. The third day of our trip was the day of my birthday. On that day, we went to Denver State University, the aquarium, and then shopping at the mall. On our last day there, we went hiking and then went to a baseball game that night. In between all of this, we got to eat at a really nice restaurant and try new types of food. It was all so much fun, but the best day would have to be my birthday.

On my birthday, I woke up to all my friends wishing me a happy birthday and then going to get breakfast with some of my favorite people. Afterwards, we visited my favorite college, The University of Denver. That is the college that I have always wanted to go to, so getting to visit it on my birthday was a blast. Then we went to the aquarium, which was also fun because I got to feed some fish and see things I have not seen before. That night I had the most fun. We went shopping at an outside mall that went about three miles. We had four hours to just do whatever we wanted too until it was time to go eat at a really nice restaurant.

After shopping, we went back to the hotel, and that is when a bunch of my friends surprised me with a gift that they put together. Another one of my friends surprised me by ordering a really cute cheesecake from the hotel. Later that night we all stayed in one room playing cards and having fun, then a bunch of girls walked in and shoved cake in my face. It was a very pleasant surprise.

Getting back home was a little sad because I was going to miss Colorado and all of my friends, but I was also excited to see my family and celebrate my birthday with them. I got to have dinner with my parents and go to El Vellarta to get more cake in my face. Overall, my birthday of 2011 was the most memorable, and I hope to do something similar next year.

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