My first memory ever. | Teen Ink

My first memory ever.

November 8, 2012
By MariaPortillo BRONZE, La Ceiba, Other
MariaPortillo BRONZE, La Ceiba, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you remember your first memory ever? Well I do, and it starts like this.
I woke up in a very cold, dark room. I could feel a really cold and thin blanket over me and a cold big pillow between my legs. I couldn’t see anything it was very dark I could only see a light, which I knew was the opening between the door and the floor. I stood up and opened the door. I felt a sudden change of temperature in my body from cold to hot. I went to the living room I didn’t saw anybody there. I went to my sisters’ room I saw my piñata; it was Buttercup from the Power Puff Girls. I touched her; her face was smooth but very hard. I realized immediately it was going to be hard to hit. Afterwards I went to my room I saw a gift in a very huge box. Wait a second. Piñata? Gift? Nobody is inside my house? It’s my birthday! I went running outside. “Happy Birthday Mariita!” my cousin Esthersita said. It was ironic how I called her Esthersita and she is like 10 years older than me. I love my cousin very much and she loves me back. She has always been an inspiration in my life. She is smart, a good person, everyone likes her and she’s gorgeous. But getting back to my story, I loved her. After hugging my cousin, I saw my dad I went running as fast as I could. He lifted me up and kissed my cheek. Then he got me down. I saw my cousin Juan. “Wow my cousin is really chubby,” I thought, and when I say chubby I mean really chubby. “Juan let’s play catch,” I said, he started running. “For being that chubby he’s very fast,” I said to myself. “Mariita come here it’s time for the piñata,” my mom said. All of the sudden I felt something in my feet; I stood on a very pointy stone. I WAS RUNNING BAREFOOT! I was so excited I forgot to even get some shoes on. I still remember what was I wearing a green striped shirt with the Power Puff Girls in the corner, a green short, and like I’ve said before no shoes. My mom gave me the stick it was a brown stick, obviously she didn’t bother to buy one, and that was the one from the trash picker. That doesn’t matter I have a stick and a piñata. I was first, birthday girl is always first. After hitting the piñata no candies came out, everyone got a chance. Nobody hit the piñata as hard as my big sister Tati did. She hit it live five times and almost all the candies came out, Fabricio my cousin’s fiancé shaked the piñata so all the candies could came out. All of us kids threw ourselves immediately on the floor to get as much as we could. I remember one of my friend’s used all of her four bags to get her candies. My bigger sister Tati had a lot of candies I only had like twenty. After there were no more candies my mom took my arm and took me to her room she put me into a green squared-pattern dress, green socks, and black shoes. When I was passing through the living room my best friend was there too. “Girls pose for the picture,” my mom said. We posed I smiled, I don’t know why was she all so serious, doesn’t matter. Juan and I played catch again, but for a very short time. My mom then called me to cut the cake. I sat next to Juan while I was waiting for everyone to come in. He touched the cake so did I. we saw a flash Oh no! My mom took a picture. That’s going to be a memory forever. I got under the table and out between my aunt and my aunt’s husband who I had to called uncle as well. My aunt and uncle moved all of my friends and cousins got around me. “ONE, TWO, THREE! Happy birthday…” my mom started singing and then the other people started, I only clapped. The song came to its end and I had to cut the cake. After cutting the cake everyone got their piece and started talking again. I just walked around the house, I was still sleepy. I didn’t want to sleep because there were guest in the house so I went to get something to entertain myself when I got in my room I saw more boxes than last time. I opened all of them without permission. I don’t remember any of my gifts. I got out of my room with a Barbie and my family was talking so I got inside my room again turned the TV on and fell asleep.

The author's comments:
This was a personal experience of when I was four.

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