Expectations and Reality | Teen Ink

Expectations and Reality

November 30, 2012
By sarahjamrose BRONZE, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
sarahjamrose BRONZE, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Age doesn't matter; she told herself; she told her friends; she told him. Age doesn't matter; he told her, but not to himself. Behind that sweat and shaggy hair of his, he still managed to look sweet and innocent. Her shoes were lost within the crowd, until his shoe was found on her feet, and he came close to introduce himself. It wasn't expected to see that face again, until she found herself standing in the back of the room as he stood center of attention. He stood above everyone else; this was his moment to shine, this was his moment to capture her heart.

He’s different; she told herself; she told her friends; she told him. She’s different; he told her, but not to himself. Talks became common, smiles were given, and laughter was received. The water caused a cool essence in the air, she didn't care. He touched the edge of her knee. She simply stared into the blue, and he did the same. Acorns and tree bark and leaves were given as presents. These planned to stay with her for a while, his ended back with the rest. Expectations have been diminished by reality. Their faces came close. No contact was made besides the warmth of his body against hers. Their breath grew stronger and stronger and they became closer and closer, until the bond was broken with a simple motion.

He camped out in her thoughts; her friends wouldn't know; he couldn't know, and she was stuck. Her eyes were forced shut, but she forced them open, for him. The drive was risky, feeling like years, but she did it, for him. She ran into his open secure arms, and never did she feel more secure. Their faces came close, but she did not receive what she wanted. She received contact, but not how she expected. She felt cold, and the security she just felt drifted away with his saliva. He wasn't alone. More expectations have been diminished by reality. Poison was placed in front of her, and with each sip, her throat and brain rotted away. He knows she doesn't like this, but not one word was spoken. She was led into the darkness. His body came close; she was attracted. Stop was used more than she ever expected. I’m sorry was used more than he ever expected. But the problem here is, she meant it. She is young. She may not be completely pure, but she is young. He’s done this before. He’s in college. He’s in a band. He’s attractive. He’s done this before. She didn't know what to do, how to react, what to say. She is young, and her expectations were once again diminished by reality. Talks became rare, smiles and the laughter disappeared, but yet, the presents remained in her reach, her presents, from him. His name never appears anymore, unless done forcefully. Many questions without any answers. She wants answered questions, but you see, she’s tired of having her expectations diminished by reality.

The author's comments:
This is not the kind of piece I usually like because there is so much passive voice, indirect and vague statements. But is somehow seems to suit the content, and captures the theme of "not quite."

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