Making a Come Back | Teen Ink

Making a Come Back

December 12, 2012
By DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first turn, the second turn, and BOOM. The snow on my skin leaves a burning sensation as I skid to a stop. One minute later, the bottom of the hill should have been in my sight—but it wasn't. Normally seconds after a fall my skis should have been under my feet making turns again, but when I stood up to keep going something was off-balance.

"Did I dislocate it? Maybe it just popped out…s*** what if I tore my ACL?" The thoughts raced through my mind. Hoping nothing was injured, I tried to weigh out the terrible thoughts. But when the shock set in, I was all alone.

Something was for sure hurt because the pain began to worsen but waiting for ski patrol wasn't anywhere in my planning. The decision was made and enduring the pain, even if it would be brutal, was how I was getting to the bottom. Evaluating life situations is often like this for me. Even though struggles try to slow me down, the pain and consequences will be endured and life moves on.

After making my way down the mountain, I established a spot in ski patrol.

“We know nothing is broken but we can’t tell is the ACL is torn,” said ski patrol.

The doctors would tell me fantastic or catastrophic news the following day. It was catastrophic. The ACL was torn. A season wiped out. The training hours and conditioning leading up to this was worthless. I was forced to watch my brothers and friends do what I treasure, but instead I became the loudest and proudest cheering section. Determination was my focus for the next nine months. My injury wasn't going to stop me from doing my beloved sport. I wouldn't let it happen—and I didn't.

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