A Surprise | Teen Ink

A Surprise

February 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Getting off bus walking to my door I wasn’t prepared for what was inside. I walked inside and I heard a small bark, there was a small grayish black dog. I was shocked little excited I thought we would never get a dog. My dad came in around the corner said heres is your new dog. We all agreed that his name would be Charlie and he was my first dog I’ve had and I still have him.

That’s how it all began me and Charlie’s relationship was just getting started he trusted me. The next day my brother I started teaching him things like how to get up stairs, does tricks, play. He learned pretty quickly went from one step at time to running up and down stairs like he had been doing it for years. He also got better at using the outside as bathroom rather than the kitchen. When he needed to he would scratch on the door when we wanted out.

Years have passed and Charlie was getting much bigger. My brother, friend, I decided to let both our dogs play together since they were the same breed. We lived not too far from each other so we walked Charlie all the way down to his house and as soon as we went in front door they started sniffing each other. After they were done checking each other out them started running around and chasing each other like they were playing tag. Later on they would become brother because my dad, my friend’s mom got married.

Not too long ago it seems that Charlie had been but put on lot of medicine. We found out that he had an enlarged heart; you could say he just has a big heart because he really does. So now everyday he takes about 1 to 2 pills day one of them makes him really hunger and he gets the urge to eat everything. He eats things outside, inside everything he can find he’ll snack on. Charlie’s about 8 now scooter, his brother just year behind him.

With all that said Charlie has turned out to be quit the surprise. He’s been here with me since my childhood, through all my hardships, and good memories with me. He’s been through moving with me and getting older with me. He is still no matter what my first dog, the best surprise I have ever had.

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