A Shoulder to Cry On | Teen Ink

A Shoulder to Cry On

February 27, 2013
By Dani1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Dani1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Almost every person can relate to that tranquil Sunday morning feeling they had as an adolescent when they would wake up at 8 am to the smell of crispy bacon, simmering eggs, and a stack of golden brown pancakes waiting for him or her downstairs. Perhaps the person can relate to the feeling of receiving a warm, tender hug from their mom after losing a crucial game. He or she may even relate to those sunny Saturdays spent all day with mom, and how the small jokes and laughs they shared would just erase all of the stress. In this way, mothers are alike because most people can relate to those feelings of being cared for so greatly. However, each mother is extremely unique, especially my mother and my best friend’s mother. My mom and my best friend’s mom are similar and different because of their personality, parenting style, and their houses.

My mom and my best friend’s mom have very different personalities. My mom is a loud, energetic Brazilian. She is a social butterfly and is the life of the party. On a peaceful summer night, you can see her in the middle of a large group of people who eagerly lean forward in their seats waiting for the next part of the hilarious story, and boom with laughter after it is told. At the store, you can witness my mom’s friendly side too, because she will most likely be striking up a conversation with a complete stranger, and although the person is a stranger and the conversation topic might be completely random, my mom always finds a way to get a laugh out of him or her. My mother is also the type of person to dance when no one else is, and to laugh loudly, even if the room is completely silent. Basically she is an outgoing, happy, independent woman who doesn’t care of what other people think of her. My best friend’s “soccer” mom also likes to have enjoy herself and have fun. However, she is a bit more calm, quiet, and subtle. Like my mother she likes to crack jokes, but she prefers to be in the background, not in the spotlight. Basically, if she is at a social gathering, she is the person in the background who would encourage a person like my mother to keep telling the comical story. Interestingly enough their personalities do not reflect in their parenting style.

My mom and my best friend’s mom are also similar and different because of their parenting style. They both worry about our safety and check up on us constantly when we are not with them. If we do not respond to the first four calls, our mothers automatically assume we have been kidnapped out of the country. Our moms are also very aware of our likes, dislikes, and tastes which work in our favor on our birthdays or during the holiday season. However, my mom is a bit more involved in my life. She knows every single detail about my plans; whereas, my best friend’s mom sometimes needs a refresher on where my friend is going, who she will be with, etc. Lastly, my mom has a stricter parenting style. She wants me to be really focused on my education and future career, and asks me daily if I am getting my daily vitamin C. My best friend’s mom on the other hand, is more lenient about grades and food choices, and does not stress the importance of these matters as much as my mother. For example, my mother would dislike a C on my report card, but her mother would be happy with an average grade. Not only do my mom and my best friend’s mom have similar and different parenting styles, their decorative tastes are very different as well.

My mom and my best friend’s have similar and different styles and tastes which reflect in their homes. Both opt for a smaller and more manageable yard, and they also have similar room set ups. However, my mom prefers a more modern look, which means stainless steel appliances, granite, tile, etc. She also enjoys adding personal touches around the house, such as pictures from our Florida trip ten years ago, or simple but elegant mirrors, tables, and chairs. She is also a huge “neat freak” and when guests come over, they actually have to ask us if our house actually always looks and smells clean like this everyday. They probably question this because our floor never has one speck of dog hair on it, and the pillows are always upright. My best friend’s mom prefers a more traditional and classic look. Her house has a “rustic” feel to it, and her furniture and decorations scream “hand-made in Tennessee.’ She opts for wood tables and chairs, and her couches are outdated but in a cute way. She has adorable signs on her flower wall paper that have sayings such as “Love starts with family.” On cupboards and shelves are antique jugs with words that say “Old Joe’s Place” or “50 cents at the market”. She even has maroon colored flowers placed in baskets around the house. Most of these decorative items she has found in the many garage sales she has been to throughout her life. Her house isn’t necessarily dirty, but like most houses there are always a few stray items around. Their tastes are what make their houses uniquely different from each other’s houses.

Almost every person can relate to the feeling of being really cared for by their mother. Whether he or she is very close to their mom, or only somewhat close, there are always those moments when a person really has felt loved by his or her mom. In general, moms are similar because they are always the one who is there for us, and the one people really depend on. Obviously not all mothers are exactly the same, and my mom and my best friend’s mom are the perfect examples. Although they have similar and different personalities in areas such as personality, parenting, and their houses, they both adore their children to pieces, and are always there for a shoulder to cry on.

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