Life! | Teen Ink


April 8, 2013
By Con-killa BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
Con-killa BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seven years old can be a very critical age in a human's life. It is the year we graduate from first grade to second grade. It also may be the year when you first participate in a sport or activity that will shape your future, but for me it was the age when my parents decided they would live separate lives.
My parents living separate life’s has changed me as a kid, since I haven’t been able to have a steady family relationship. I have made some poor decisions and hurt others while doing them. If I would have been able to know right from wrong at a younger age I wouldn’t be affected now as a teenager.

Since my parents split apart, my dad moved out of state so I’m limited to seeing him, he’s not able to see me perform as an athlete or see how I grew up. My dad left me when I needed him most. It made me develop a different learning style, I learned things on my own and that’s how I learn best. I didn’t get to experience the whole dad to son relationship.

My mother hasn’t been able to keep a steady job after there divorce, we needed up living with my grandpa for a year then moved to Lincoln. The Family started to act up and arguing was a daily thing. So then we moved back to La Vista and lived with my grandpa again. Since of the divorce the family hasn’t been the same and others had been affected by it.

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