First Day | Teen Ink

First Day

May 2, 2013
By Duggan95 BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Duggan95 BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like all firsts, the first day of high school is nerve racking. It is overwhelming and scary. It is a new school in a different building, with new people, and a lot of the old ones. It, to say the least, is just new and different.
When I first walked in, I was so nervous. I just kept thinking what if the upper class men are mean to. What if the teacher don't like me. There were just so many different thoughts going through my head. Then the bell rang to go to class. I of course had to check my schedule to see what class I had first. The going from class to class, checking my schedule went on until lunch. Then there was a whole new dilemma! Where do I sit? Luckily I had a bunch of friends in my same lunch and and we found a table so we could all eat together. After that it was back to going to class. Finally, the bell rang to go to seventh hour. I had athletics seventh hour because I was a basketball manager. I was nervous to be in there with all the varsity boys, but I was excited also because I loved managing. It was a short practice since it was the first day. The day was finally over.
When I got home it hit me I had just survived my first day of high school. It hadn't been as bad as I had thought. I liked most of my teachers and no one was mean. Like most firsts you get nervous for there was nothing to get nervous about.

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