Moving On | Teen Ink

Moving On

May 21, 2013
By DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the year passed I never imagined the time would come; for my second brother to move out and attend college. I would become an only child for the first time in my life. After growing up with two brothers and only a four year age difference from my oldest brother to me, I knew I was going to face some challenges.
Yes we bickered often, but we were close. I could tell him anything. Covering for each other was a regular when it came to getting in trouble with our parents. We were a team. I often spent my time hanging out with him and his friends, but soon that was all about to change. The days grew longer as winter turned to fall and fall turned to summer. This was a constant reminder to me that the time was getting shorter. We spent most of our days out on the lake—him, his girlfriend, and me. When the sun finally set, ice cream runs to Culver's often was our dinner. But soon the day came to pack up the car and head for the mountains.
I felt lost as we dropped him off and said our goodbyes. Then I was left—me and my parents. But as the weeks passed, so did the reminder of him gone. Once again the year passed quickly and soon I was going to be reunited with him Colorado.

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