Harmony | Teen Ink


June 26, 2013
By angelique BRONZE, Eggharbor, New Jersey
angelique BRONZE, Eggharbor, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The world is loud. Sometimes I feel like I just need to get away from it all. Get away from the noise, find some nice quiet place. Stay in my own little world, with four walls, two windows, a door and a laptop. Sometimes, that’s all that I feel that I need. My own world like Narnia, or Hogwarts, or even teribithia. The kind of world that you read in books, or can only dream about. I world where nothing else matters, except myself, my things, and my emotions. My world has no drama in it. I don’t think about anyone else in it. I forget the past, don’t plan for the future, and just live for now. I like being my normal sixteen self in my world. I can be my nerdish self, without having to worry about what anyone might think or say. It’s only me….and it’s perfect.

The author's comments:
Life inspired me too write this. Everyone feels like this, at different points in times.

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