Truth | Teen Ink


August 27, 2013
By T.Rivers1 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
T.Rivers1 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Follow my Instagram @tystackinn

He was quiet like a church mouse but moved swiftly like a brand new Bentley. . .
Is he crazy? Is he in pain? Is he always quiet because the things he went through
drive him insane? Maybe it would be absurd to even mention his name, his life
Is bizarre , wild , unreal , it’s a miracle that he still remains , he’s a discreet person
And keeps his feelings locked up like kids in school self detained . . .
All he see’s is money and everything he could ever hope for but that’s only
In his dreams because in reality he’s hurt, he’s sick and there’ no remedy . . .
He smells the urine in the project elevators and when he started making
Progress everywhere he peeked his nose he was smelling favors . . .
He tries to touch the hand of the man which is the reason why he stands
But it’s hard because that man is way up in the air . . .
He can taste success but there’s a obstruct that blocks the way and people
Always bring him down so all he hears is negativity but he still tries to keep
His mind on prosperity . . .
Is That “He “Tyrek?
Yes that is I, I must not deny
Langston Hughes Nurorican Café
My Idol and a place where I would never resign . . .
I’m not scared of death I’m fearful of being a statistic and not being a person
About success, I’m also scared that when I become old I won’t have anything to
Show for what I’ve done and I’m also scared to listen because I may hear something
That will leave me stunned . . .
I love the feeling of being loved, I love writing and everything about it even the eraser
And the smudge, I also love helping others even if I’m already a stick in the mud . . .
When I feel like I’m not wanted I fly far, far away , I will never forget the day when I
Received a scar from the sharpest blade life beholds many cycles but I think puberty
Is the hardest phase, I carelessly wrote a whole page essay but when I spilled water on it ,
It burned I think the reason for that was completion really has to be earned ,life lessons
Are like class because there’s always something that I learned I witnessed people I know
Graduate but I don’t fret because I know soon it’ll be my turn, I never met the man that
Made me but if I did I would look him in his eyes and shake his hand and keep it firm . . .
Life beholds many cycles? No I think it’s just a few, I’m a victim to the streets, follower
Turned leader and now I’m living proof at age 13 I stopped having parties and I wasn’t
Receiving money for a missing tooth . . .
Algebra was always the most challenging and upsetting so i used to call it the
“The Bold Numbers Of Death “, my teacher always told me just give it a try and soon
You’ll progress but it seemed like the more I tried and the more time that I spent I would
Go deeper into failure and the difficulty would start to accent kind of like failed credit card
Payments and then they garnish my checks . . .
I have a realization that god put me here for a reason but the question is did he really put me here for a reason?
There’s more than just a face and a skull to me, but the brain that lies beneath it . . .
I have a friend and my friends name is number 2, he’s yellow and stands 7 inches high
And whenever I need help expressing myself he gets it down on paper and if I don’t like
Something he eliminates it with his eraser . . .
Aside from the misfortune and the pain from my losses I hope and I will achieve all my
Short and long term goals and have my story be told . . .
I live amongst kids that breed kids a society that is deranged a neighborhood that is
In caged with drugs, violence and an outcome of solitary confinement . . .
Growth, Grow, Growing, Grown
Four stages before you’re time to rest, so why not make the most of it and the
Lord stay close to him I knew I was doing right when I gave and I didn’t feel prone to
It , but like the wise man sir Arthur Conan , Doyle said “When You Have Eliminated
The Impossible Whatever Remains, However Improbable, Must Be The Truth “

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This article has 1 comment.

mwolach said...
on Aug. 30 2013 at 1:34 am
Wow, what an amazingly powerful poem!  There are so many themes around what it means to be a person in the world: struggle, growth, the act of writing, determination, etc.  And the writing is so creative, vivid and filled with wonderful imagery and sophistiacted techniques.  Great poem!  Keep Writing!