Ethan | Teen Ink


November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

It all started when I saw this boy on my first day of Secondary school, I was being welcomed onto the school or the first time in my life, and that’s when the boy came up to me and said ‘Hi’, and I’m sure I had blushed, because he was so hot. I felt a bit embarrassed because I was new and I also didn’t know what to expect in years to come…

But now that I’m a year 11, I think that I’ve grown a little bit mature. For starters, me and the boy that I saw on my first day now go out. The boy’s name is Ethan; Ethan and I have been going out with each other for 1 ½ years. And we both love spending time with each other. Ethan and I started going out when he was a year 11 and I was a year 9.

Ethan and I have decided to take our relationship further, because we both decided that “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!” We did talk about having a child but he didn’t really like that idea much. I mentioned to my parents that I was thinking about having a baby with Ethan, and my parents asked me ‘Is Ethan on drugs?’ I answered back saying ‘I’m not sure, every time I see him at school, he always has blood-shot eyes!’

I ignored my parents, because I thought that I knew better than them, but I knew that they wanted the best for me and they wanted to see me happy. So we both decided to have sex without protection, because I told Ethan that I was on the pill and he believed me, so we had sex and I found out that I was 2 months pregnant. I wasn’t sure how I was going to tell Ethan or my parents, I could always be up front with them.

I finally told my mum and dad that I was pregnant, and they were a bit angry and when they cooled down they were supportive, and me and Ethan are still together to this very day.

The author's comments:
the person that inspired this piece of creative writing is my ex. i hope people will feel inspired by my life experience,.

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