Family Four-Wheeler Trip | Teen Ink

Family Four-Wheeler Trip

November 14, 2013
By Josephnations BRONZE, Independence, Missouri
Josephnations BRONZE, Independence, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Slam!!!! The four-wheeler handlebars landed on top of my chest knocking the wind out of me. Once me and the 350 pounds of metal and plastic stopped rolling instantaneously I get up and see the bike still rolling. Then after a few seconds it stops I look down and there a gash in my arm and my shirts ripped. Astonished my bike the 350 pounds of metal and plastic that only 30 seconds ago had been rolling is completely unharmed not a scratch or so I thought .


The family four-wheeler trip is when I have the best time of my life, and its not only family. If it was it would just be boring . If there people you don't know or know that well its fun to see what they know . I like to see if there better than me . Because at 14 im really great at riding a four-wheeler well at least thats what everyone tells me . The beginning of the trip with my dad waking me up at 3 or 4 am in the morning by saying “get you a** up” boy.

At first I want to scream my head off at him for waking me from a good dream . Then i cool down because I realized that today was the day that the that the fun begins . Before that fun though there is a loooonnnng taunting well worth the wait . Trip . shortly after we pack all our needed and unneeded thing ;^) . Then we hit the road me my dad and my sister are on are way up to my uncles to get him and my cousin Travis and load up there for-wheelers . While we're loading the stuff my uncle comes over to me and says

“son you look as dead as a rackon on the side of the road”.!

He probably noticed the the dark shadows under my eyes. most of the way there i'm asleep but about four hours in our seven hour trip but I guess we came to a stop and my sister thought it would be funny to wake me up by putting like ten freezing ice cubes in the back of my shirt. Then when I frantically jump to my feet she says

“wake up dufus were getting something to eat”,

Then in a rage I say what the hell is wrong with you but after a minute I bust out laughing and realize how hungry I was .Then I say

“wheres the food”.

In a happy and relieved voice and my sis laughs. now we’re back on the road and i go to sleep again . I wake up to a glorious sight sand dunes and the big house we rented for 5 days . I think that nothing can dampen my spirits … Simultaneously my dad come and in my head i'm thinking he's going to say lets ride but mistakenly i was wrong. He said

“lets get cleaning”
The people who had the house before us left it in disaster . Instantly after he said that i said “really do we have to do this now ?” .

He just stares at me with a vacant grin . Soon after that deadly look I say “you got it fother” .

About an hour after we get there family and friends finally start to show up. And of course the house is clean when that get there and they don't have to lift a finger and I dont even get a thank you. O well as long as I get to ride im goooood. About another hour after every body's here a few of us got on out for-wheelers two two are on dirt bikes I think that the dirt bikes we're 250 4 strokes its a type of bike(dirt bike). And in my mind i'm saying

”god I wish I could ride a dirt bike out here it would be so fun”.

Im stuck on an EX 400 o well again i'm much better on a four-wheeler than a dirt bike anyways. Well were on the way to the dune entrances from the house and its bumpier than Sams hell on there way there, So we get to the gate to the dunes and you have to pay this stupid 10 dollar fee and its just me and my sis so its only 20 bucks to get in not that much but I still think its stupid . We enter the magnificent dunes with a bright pink bracelet -_- again in my head
“I want to kill every one I see out here and no one would even know”.

Of course i was kidding... I think.

It's been about an hour or two of riding and me and my sister are on our way out of the dunes. When my sis goes down a big a** hill and there two ways to go down it I noticed theres an easy way and what looks like an heard way to go wellllll my sis takes the easy way and me being me I take the hard way. Well what I didn't know is that the hard way had a 30 foot steep and at the bottom of the hill is a little slant. Im going down the hill kinda fast and when I hit the slant my bike (four-wheeler) topples over on me SLAMMING the handlebars into my chest thats 350 pounds of metal and plastic digging into my sternum. The the machines dragging me with it rolling over on me numerous times. When i'm able to get free I instantaneously get up and look to see if my bike is okay. The heave piece of metal that was rolling on top of me just 5 seconds ago in in pristine condition. After i'm done looking at my bike I examine myself and there is a big hole in my shirt theres a cut right in the left side of my stomach four inches above my waist then I noticed blood on my arm and seconds later I realize there's a good size gash in my right arm. I can't really feel it so it doesn't hurt, but theres a lot of sand in my wonde, shortly after this horrifically exhilarating seen I see my sister running to make sure i'm okay.


Were on our way home now,

“and quietly I say to myself that was fun”.
Because when you skid under the weir of death theres nothing that can compare to the feeling of the adrenalin rush and excitement. Only when you come so close to death you truly know life.

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