First Freedom | Teen Ink

First Freedom

November 20, 2013
By Tyler12 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Tyler12 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I like pie!

My first experience driving was a scary, dangerous, but also fun experience, that I will not soon forget. All good stories seem to start off from the beginning, so I should follow suit. I will have to start from when I received my first vehicle.

“Wake up, sleepy,” my father said as he awakened me on August 13, 2013, my seventeenth birthday and quite early. He dragged me out of my bed and walked me outside. At first, I wasn’t surprised that there was a strange vehicle in our driveway because my father works on other people’s cars. My father then asked, “So do you like it?” That’s when I walked over to my dad and gave him a big hug. It may have been a rusted hunk of metal to some, but to me it was like a Ferrari.

Funny enough I didn’t see it coming even though I had just recently received my learner’s permit. Naturally, I had my doubts at first, but then he asked me if I wanted to take it for a drive. There was just one problem with the question my father asked. I was too scared to drive. “What if I were to get into an accident?” I wasn’t just putting my life in danger but others as well.
“Don’t worry,” my father said. “Just start the truck.” At this point I was sweating bullets. I did as I was told, and naturally without even thinking, I backed out of the driveway. I felt the lacing of the steering wheel gripped beneath my shaking hand, and all of a sudden, most of the fear left me.

The bright yellow sun pounded on my skin through the window, and I felt powerful to be behind the wheel of this 2-ton hunk of metal. My father couldn’t believe it when he saw that I almost perfectly backed up out of the driveway; he even complimented me. I never thought that I would be this great of a driver. I then drove to the end of my street and turned. The lush, green leaves fell as I drove by. ‘This is the most fun that I have ever had in my life.’

Everything was going well until my father told me to get onto the main street. I started freaking out a little and told him, “I’m not ready yet.” But again I did as I was told to do, and I turned into the street. There were cars everywhere. For some unanswered reason, there was no worry in me. The probable reason for this is that I was with my dad. He’s an excellent driver, and I knew that I could trust him to trust me. Everything went smoothly, and I drove us home. “Thanks for the truck, Dad,” I said. He started showing me what was under the hood and teaching me how to change my oil. This was the best day of my life.

Since that first drive, I still remember how much fun that was and how scared I was. I now have my license, and I’m pretty much allowed to drive wherever I want. My dad believed that I could do this. The motto I run by now is to always drive safely and never do anything like trying to impress people with a dangerous stunt. No matter how well anyone is at driving he/she still needs to take precautions and drive safely. I would have to say that the biggest reason I never mess around with driving safely is that my father put his trust in me, and I never want to let him down.

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