Military Paper | Teen Ink

Military Paper

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

I interviewed my great uncle Larry. He grew up like a normal kid, he went to school but dropped out in 9th grade to help his family. His family wasn’t rich but the weren’t poor. He grew up wanting to be a sailer. Thats why he joined the Marines also because he wanted to prove his uncle that he was a better man. He also did it to get out of the house because he was a grown up and didn’t need to be told what to do anymore. He joined the marines at age 17. His family was ok with his descision but he had to get permission because he wasn’t 18 yet. He thought the marines were wonderful, and he had wonderful opinions about it.

“The training was very rough mentally and pyhsicaly they tried to break you like you were a nobody”, said Larry. As I stated before he was in the Marines. He started out as a private and by the time he retired he was a Master Sargent. He worked in the hydrolic system and a aircraft instructer in hydrolic school. The most difficult part of being in the marines for him was that he had to be away from his family. His favorite part was that he got to travel all across the world. He had a couple of weapons, a MI riffle and a 45 pistole. He was in the marines for 23 then he retired. While he was in the marines he was stationed in Japan, Philipines, Vietnam, Thailand, California, Tennessee, Kansas, Florida, and Airzona. He thought the the conditions like, food, weather, and living conditions where very good. “The food was great, the living conditions where very poor to ok, and the weather was very good in Califorina, cold in Iowa and Japan, and hot and swampy in Vietnam” said Larry.

If I could do it again, would I join to Marines? “Yes, in that time period but not now because it a lot harder mentally and physically” said Larry. He thinks it has changed a lot like physically and mentally/ he says he had it easy. How the marines experience affected his live is that it made him more independent, and made him a better man. He was treated ok when he came out the first time. He says he went right into another job. (What was it like coming home?) “Just like coming home” said Larry. He also says that when he came back form Vietnam that he was hated and was treated badely. After th marines he went right into work for Hughes Aircraft. They made airplanes that where made for WWII. Then he retired and took life easy and started to travel.

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