Reflection on the Year | Teen Ink

Reflection on the Year

December 11, 2013
By AllisonKH GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AllisonKH GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the second day of school, and I knew it was time for Advanced Composition class with Ms. Jorgensen. I wasn’t afraid, or nervous, but more enthusiastic and pleased. I had her in Creative Writing the year before, so I thought I was prepared at what she was going to throw at us.

It’s the fourth day of school, I didn’t realize how difficult the class actually was going to be. I had heard from fellow students that the class was simple, but that was from their perspective. I knew going into this class that I wasn’t that good at writing. I am excited to say, I hope after first paper, I will feel like I have grown as a writer.

It’s the seventh week of school. Since the course has started, I have had successes, and major failures. I like having papers that I enjoy writing about, such as the college essay. With this piece I had ideas that popped into my head immediately. While with the name peice, and reflections, they seem to be more difficult. I don’t have ideas right away, these have caused me major writers block. I hope that in time, my writers block will ease away the more I write things I don’t like.

It’s the eighth week of school, and there are some things in particular I need to work on to make my papers better. For starters, I need to be able to make my papers flow more like a story. I find it extremely difficult to connect papers like a story. Sometimes it naturally comes to me, sometimes it doesn’t. I also hope to improve on working with stylistic devices because I know I don’t use them that often. I can’t always remember exactly what to use. I also have realized that I come off as shy in my writing, and need to become more assertive.
It’s the ninth week of school, and when it comes to the workshops, I enjoy them.They have brought me insight on what I need to change, and how to become a better writer from my fellow students perspective. I also have learned from reading other students papers that we all write differently, and no one way is correct.

It’s the nine-and-a-half week of school, and I feel like I’m improving. I look at my written pieces and see how far I’ve come. I’ve gone from having a boring, not well written story, to a upbeat, excited piece of writing. I feel like with each paper, I am doing better and better. I know there are things still to improve on, but I can only take it one step at a time.
It’s the tenth week of school, and I am writing a reflection on how I feel I’m doing so far, and I feel prepared for what Ms. Jorgensen is going to throw at us.

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