You Are Not Alone | Teen Ink

You Are Not Alone

March 25, 2014
By kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever feel out of place? So far in my life, I felt incompatible with anyone. No matter where I was, I can’t integrate to anybody. Sometimes I will ask myself why I can’t fit in anybody; I keep telling myself just be yourself. Because I know someday, someone will understand me.

If you cannot integrate any person, is not your fault. But do not try to change yourself into anyone; this will only make you hard. I tried to integrate others to change myself; Of course, you will make some “friends”. But I asked myself “do you happy for it?” Obviously, I’m not. These “friends” are not my true friends, I not enjoy with them at all, and I back to my own. I realized true friends will accept the real me, I do not need a role to play along with friends, that’s what call friend.

Of course, you would think my life is boring. In fact, you right. But if you ask me want a hypocritical life or dull life; I would rather live a dull life. I could never live in a life full of hypocrisy. Instead of wasting time to change myself to integrate others, I would rather enrich my own life. There are many ways to have fun with myself, as long as you feel okay, you don’t need to care anybody how to think about you.

No matter what, no one can accuse you thought about life. Our life should choose by ourselves, we bear the consequences of all decisions. We can ask someone else suggestion, but in the end we should make decision by ourselves. Our lives have plenty of time; we still have to make a lot of choices. Remember that we need to bear the consequences of our choices.

I believe that someone will understand my feelings. These are just a life experience, one day, it will change everything. Everyone has different personalities, we don’t need to force ourselves to integrate others. Just keep being yourself, one day someone will understand you. Our life belong ourselves.

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