Suffering In Silence | Teen Ink

Suffering In Silence

April 12, 2014
By Anonymous

Have you ever done something, and it hurts someone you care about?
But no matter how much you want to, you can't make it better. People tell you, you did the right thing. But the right thing shouldn't feel so wrong.
You try to justify it to yourself, but a little voice is always there telling you, that it was wrong. You try to come up with a way that you could have done it better, but you can't. You try to figure out what to tell that person, to make them understand. But you can't. You can't. All you can think is I can't.
The person might not even be that hurt, but to you it did.
You take on the guilt and pain from your side, but you also use your empathy to take on the pain you imagine they are feeling. You take on so much more pain then you have to or should.
But somehow you feel that it makes things just a tiny bit better. You take on the pain, that might not even exist. But it is all that you can do. The person might never know what you went through for them, but you do. And if this little thing can make it just the smallest bit better, then you will do it, no matter now much it hurts.

The author's comments:
I do this a lot, and I want to know if other people do it too.

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