I am a phone | Teen Ink

I am a phone

April 14, 2014
By KaitlynH BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KaitlynH BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You have been in school all day, when you hear the bell, you pack up your bag and run. You run to the bus and find a seat near the middle. You throw your backpack on the seat next to you take out the phone and look at the text messages. You have missed text messages from friends and family. You go to work reading the texts, trying to figure out what to say. One of the texts is from your dad saying have a good day and that he loves you. You decide not to respond because you will see him soon. Then all of a sudden you remember you forgot what you had for homework. As you get off at your house you realise that you have a notes page on your phone that has all your homework assignments listed on it. So you finish your homework and get ready for bed. You decide to send one more text before you put your phone away and go to bed. You send the text and it said “I love you to dad.”

The author's comments:
Had so much fun writing this. A lot of work trying to come up with a cute story.

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