A Perfectly Cut Rose | Teen Ink

A Perfectly Cut Rose

May 4, 2014
By meckenzie BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
meckenzie BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

A perfectly cut rose, in a perfectly sunlit room. There is nothing more serene then that solitary rose sitting on the windowsill, with its bright colors ,crimson and yellow. This rose sits drawing in the attention of the sun and of passers by that want nothing more than to stare at its beauty and wonder at its frailness and wonder how this perfectly cut rose, how anything that magnificent could ever be made in a world of violence and hate where there is no rest for the wicked and even the righteous suffer with them. How could this beauty and wonder ever be aloud to roam in this world how can this perfectly cut rose belong to those that don't even acknowledge the existence of this wonder of God's creation that he made so perfect and so beautiful, that lovers would give them to each other to show there love, well what if God gave it to us to show his love to us, what if the reason that this perfectly cut rose sits in the windowsill is to remind us all that God loves and care for us all, and will not let anything that he doesn't already have planned out for us to happen and that that rose will always be there when there is any doubt in out heart that there is love somewhere in this world for everyone on one is left out on one will be forgotten everyone is beautiful in Gods eyes. My interpretation of the the perfectly cut rose is that some just look past and forget they ever see it, I choose to see a deeper meaning within the rose itself and wonder what this little flower somehow could influence painters an other forms of artists. But how could this perfect flower influence my life your life? how do you look at the flower sitting in your windowsill?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 2 2014 at 2:04 pm
meckenzie BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments
First sentence needs a verb. There are also a lot of run on sentences throughout the paragraph. The vocabulary was really good, nice word choices. Some words were repeated right next to each other, maybe get rid of those and get rid of the run-on's.