Music | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By musicgeek1 SILVER, Boise, Idaho
musicgeek1 SILVER, Boise, Idaho
7 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a dance, love is the music." ~unknown

Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do. The beautiful sound swirls around me and makes me think of pinks and purples. I can almost see it in the air, floating like colorful clouds. Music. That is my favorite activity to do when my life makes a blank space in time. I listen, perform, and enjoy music every day, and this is why.

First of all, music is all around us. When you hear the wind rustle the curved leaves of an old oak, that is music. Birds chirping and playing in the high branches of a pine, that is music. Music also lives on busy highways. Horns of angry drivers and their cars rushing by. Even trash that rolls through traffic makes music.

Second, there are so many types of music. There are styles that make you feel energetic. Like fiddler music that makes you want to tap your foot and join in with the barn dance. Love songs that tell of broken hearts and give you tears. But songs like fireflies just make sing at the top of your lungs.

Lastly, music lifts your spirit. When you’re sad or down there are songs that make you think of something else. I often think of music as a soft caress from a loving mother, or a triumphant pat on the back from a proud father. Music can also let you express yourself. It can help you release anger that has been trapped inside you. Or sorrow that seeps over the edge and threatens to break lose. Music can make you feel free, and light as air.

So in conclusion, If you like music or not you can never escape it. Why would you want to? It lives in nature and on busy streets. No matter what you do. It even lives in your heart. Our ancestors, from hundreds of years ago used song to heal, communicate, and express themselves. You were born with music in your blood. Some people choose not to let out the music that pleads to emerge, but I do, and that is why it is my favorite.

The author's comments:
I love music!!! It is my passion and what I want to do in the future. I wrote this piece to prompt of 'What do you like to do in your free time'. this is my finished product. I love this piece because it truly does say what I want to say about music.

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