Exchange Student | Teen Ink

Exchange Student

May 21, 2014
By kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After so many months, my exchange student journey is close to the end. Looking back to the beginning of the year, everything is unfamiliar to me. Until today I'm still learning American culture in here the United States. Undoubtedly, this experience makes me grow up a lot.

“Everything is hard in the beginning.” Naturally, my first month is the most difficult. English is not my first language, is hard to communicate with people. I remember once that I talk to my friends, they ask me some question, although I understand what they asking, I don’t know how to answer the questions. I was frustrated with it and don’t want to talk anybody. Later, I attended many school activities; my friends helped me improve my English. Thus, the communication problem has been improved.

After months, I integrated into the local life. My teachers are very nice to me; they take the initiative to help me understand the class. Therefore, I began to understand the classes. When I got my first report card, I was surprised. My grades are very good, I’m very thankful to my teachers to help me through in this few months.

The most happiness thing in here is “I can do what I’m wanted”, I can study what I’m interest in. I love music very much, but the place I came from cannot study music in the school. So I choose to study music in here. I never learn music before, but every class I still enjoy it. After a few months, I got a solo part for our winter concert; I was shock when I know that I got the solo part. I will never forget the concert, although I’m not satisfied our performance.

Anyway, this year is the most challenging year in my life. I am very grateful to every single person who helped me in this year. As an exchange student, without your help, I wouldn’t have this amazing year. Thanks a lot!

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