The Annoying Day in Class | Teen Ink

The Annoying Day in Class

July 25, 2014
By schoolhater97 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
schoolhater97 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up in the morning to the screaming of my mom telling me to get up and get ready for school. So I get up and start getting ready to go to school. So once I’m ready I start headed towards school on my bike. Once I get to school I have to hear one of the students talk, and talk, and talk, and it’s so annoying because I’m trying to get my credits back on what I learned before and on what I missed. But who can do any work with these students is talking about nothing but nonsense.
Lorenzo J said, “Your momma head is so bald her head slipped of the pillow.”
When I heard this I laughed so hard but I laughed because is was so dumb for saying a random joke out of nowhere.
It’s really irritating thought, because your trying to pass. I wonder why they even came here because you’re coming to summer school to fix on what you messed up when school was going on. Then you come back and you still want to mess around and irritate everyone in the class just to be funny. But anyways we are in class and we are watching a movie and writing about it all then you hear the same student talking and not knowing the meaning of shut up. But it doesn’t matter to me if they fail or not because I’m still going to pass.

The author's comments:
i was inspired about this class because it was entertaining but annoying.

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