Early Life | Teen Ink

Early Life

September 12, 2014
By Dj.Johnson BRONZE, Indianpolis, Indiana
Dj.Johnson BRONZE, Indianpolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the first time me and my Dad ever thrown a football outside.  I was about 3 or 4 at the time. I would go on to play football starting at 5. I became good at it in the 2nd, and just I ran with it ever since. Also I started playing basketball at age 3. God has blessed me with the ability to be good at both sports. My dad signed up for football the next year at Ben Davis youth football league. Ben Davis is where my career started at and that’s where I want to end before I go to college. When my dad signed me up at the sign up station in my mind it’s the most important day in my life.  I really didn’t even care about starting kindergarten at snacks crossing. All I just wanted to do is play football and basketball and that’s how I felt like to this day and for as long I play sports and when I can’t play I’ll watch it and try to own a team.

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