My Experiences | Teen Ink

My Experiences

October 30, 2014
By bmoc20 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
bmoc20 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Most of my life I’ve tried many things to see where my life would go, living near the ocean, a little town in Maine, this is my life experiences.

Back to those days where you crawl and take your first steps, the days your take your first steps in life determining future. Well my first steps in the stern of my father’s boat. My life was pretty much set from there, I knew what I wanted to be.

When school started it was always easy for me to make friend and sometimes easy to make enemies too. But most of the time I never had a problem with anyone. Sports where coming up as well and I wanted to join. I heard about running and racing and I knew I had to join for I loved to run and couldn’t get enough, believe me it helps your stamina for when you become older.

Track was one the sports I was always good at. I could run and run forever and not even break a sweat, or so I thought, until the day came we ran a mile for the first time, then I knew what it ment to be tired. After a while my mile run became better and better, I was getting faster and faster. I was started scaring myself because I was beating the big kids or I was right behind them. The best mile I ever ran so far was a 5 min. and 10 second mile and that was my freshman year.

Another sport I was good at was basketball. I never really knew I was good at it until the 6th grade when I was the point guard and making 20 points a game. I played basketball from the 4th grade on Last year was my best game where I made 33 points one game and I’ve been improving ever since. Basketball is my favorite sport by far.

This sport I never knew I was good at until the 8th grade. Soccer was a whole new sport to me, it was also my first year playing and somehow I was starting center midfield. I never thought I would be top player that year with 21 goals and winning for the first time in 40 years. I’ve been playing ever since.

I’ve had a lot of experiences out of school as well one of the thing I most enjoy doing with my family is going on four wheeling trips out in the trails or riding through the gravel pits. We always enjoys riding whether we race, do stunts, or just go mudding in the river. You’ve even gotta love the times you flip or crash your four wheeler and somehow not even get hurt. And always make sure when you let your friends ride to not crash and take down half your fence.

Every summer since I was 8 I had a job that I love. Every summer I’m out on the ocean lobster fishing taking after my father. I’ve been going on the boat with him since I was 2 and I’ve loved it ever since. I got my first boat when I was 10, I named it the golden star and man couldn’t that boat move for only having a 40 horse outboard engine. Every July my home town would have a 4th of July summer fest and to start of that day was the boat races. The first year I raced I won 1st place in class c outboard racing. The next year I came 2nd, third year I came 1st again, and the fourth year I came 3rd. I was getting older and dad thought it was about time I get a bigger boat, well that winter he bought me and my brother a new power boat and I couldn’t thank him enough. I made a lot more money with that boat and once again, the next boat race, I won. I love lobster fishing and it got even better when I got that new boat I called it the hot shot. My brother and I were like an unstoppable lobster fishing team, until our boat broke down. Not once but 4 times, I hope we worked out all the gremlins in that boat. I was the captain and my brother was my stern man. We had a really good time on the boat this summer and we can’t wait for next year.

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