American Farmland | Teen Ink

American Farmland

November 10, 2014
By HER15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
HER15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The things you most want to avoid are the things that make you feel the greatest when you actually do them." -unknown

Amber, my older sister, says, “Hey, Hannah, look to your right. here’s horses.”
I think, Wow…someday that will be mine.
When you're on a road trip and you look out your window and see one house with a bunch of land and then you see trucks taking down that house and building a subdivision.  What do you think? I think it’s stupid.
I can see farmland deteriorating because of houses and other buildings being put. It may look like people have forgotten about the American farmlands, but I can tell you one thing: I haven't forgotten.
My dream is to own my own farm with lots of land. I’m going to bring back cowboy hats and boots. I want to be able to saddle up my horse and ride him to a my neighbor’s house two miles down the road. And I am able to do this in America.
  Farms give us great crops from the farmers and meat from their cattle. The worked so hard to make us happy.
I have seen and experienced what American land can give and do. When I am on farmland I feel peace, joy, and freedom.
Most people think farms are filled with stinky, old, worthless animals, but it is not. Farms are much more.
One of my friends owns 100 acres of farmland. I try to make it out there as much as possible because it’s my happy place. When I get out there and I'm with the horses, I know I’m where I’m suppose to be.
I’m proud to be an American because here there are people who believe in what I believe. Without American farms, we wouldn’t be where we are now.  One day my dream will become reality and when that happens everyone will see how great farm land can really be.

The author's comments:

This is really how feel. It's something that everyone should be aware of.

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