Troubled Heart | Teen Ink

Troubled Heart

November 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Let me just start out by saying going to the hospital was an experience I’d never want to do again, Let alone forget. On a hot summer day,  June 18th to be exact, I was hanging out with family and my Best Friend Emily.  While Emily and I were in the pool relaxing and just floating along in our tubes, My mom and little sister Madison were inside preparing lunch. I started having  heart problems when I was little while I would play Softball or do any other activity that had to do with a lot of running. Getting the pain that came out of nowhere when I was relaxing really didn't faze me, I just ignored it. Thinking that the pain that felt like millions of bee stings just piercing my chest would go away and it didn't, I  realized that the pain I was indeed feeling would not go away anytime soon. I calmly got out of my tube and walked out of the pool treating every step like it was last my steps. It was an aching what felt like 2o minutes before I got to the door to tell my mom. Not even realizing Emily was with me in the pool she could've  saved me the what felt like the 20 minutes that had already took me to go to the door to go tell my mom just those simple words. By the time I actually got to the door and told my mom everything that was going on Emily was just getting out of the pool, “I’m okay I promise... Emily just go put your dry clothes on... I think we might be leaving soon”. I barely got the words out before was bending over again in more pain.

Why? Why was this happening to my Best Friend? Meagan doesn't deserve this, All I had were questions... I’ve known her for what seems like forever, Yes her being in pain over her heart has happened before but in all the time I've known her for It’s never been this bad.

Now actually getting in the car and having to drive to the Urgent Care was the worst feeling ever cause I hate going to the doctor’. We had finally gotten to the doctors, I thought as long as I kept joking around with my mom saying I don't need to go inside that I can just stay in the car while she talked to my doctor the more I felt like she’d cave and take me home, But I knew this time was worse than the last times.  My mom and Emily finally got me out of the car, I went inside the Urgent Care… I then had to wait while my mom went up to the counter to check me in and give the nurse my medical information; the stuff I didn't care about, cause all I was thinking about was just wanting to get out of there. Luckily, I only had to wait for about 10 minutes before I was called back into the room. “You’re going to be okay honey”, Hearing my mom say those words to me before I got called back to go sit down in the room gave me just enough reassurance that I was in fact, going, to be okay, this was just a minor setback to starting my summer. Having my mom and Emily; who was like a sister to me, by my side made me even happier. No matter what the Dr. said I would be okay.

Going into the room I was extremely nervous, More nervous than I think I've ever been before when going to the doctors even though yes I have been to the doctors for this same reason multiple times, But this time I knew it was something way more serious, and I didn't know how the results were going to turn out.

The doctors’ final results came out to be that I had to be taken into the Emergency room… The Emergency Room!. All I could remember were the words my mom had told me before I went into the room, “You’re going to be okay honey”. That’s what had calmed me down enough to be able to talk to the doctor.

So here I am even more nervous than I was before and that was just going to Urgent Care... “Get in the car, We have to go to St.Joe’s”, I wasn't prepared, hearing those words come out of my mom’s mouth. Then I could just go home. But sadly no that wasn't the case this time, I had to go the Emergency room and have my heart looked at yet again, Get yet another Echo, and to add to it now some X-rays done, Along with a ton of other tests for my heart done. We ended up being in the doctors office for over 3 hours. “What a way to start my summer”, I laughed thinking it might be a good way to make people smile. The room got quiet. I guess this wasn't the best time...

As a result of this Scary experience that I had to go through, And the long pain stacking 3-hour stay while getting tests done at the doctor’s,  I finally got to go home. “Okay you’re all free to go, Just go home and relax, Make sure you get lots of sleep”. Sleep!, how can I get lots of sleep if no one will tell me what’s wrong… What’s going on with me? I began to get really worried.

The tests came back positive and nothing for me to worry about like usual, Just once again another big scare, but at least I was home and I could go to sleep. “Lets just pretend none of this ever happened today honey, you’ll still have a fun summer” my mom said calmly.

This time it was scarier than ever… But I was Okay, that’s all that had mattered to me. I still hate going to the hospital, I still hate having a problem with my heart...

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