One Song away | Teen Ink

One Song away

December 3, 2014
By meckenzie BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
meckenzie BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

How could one black glass heart with a blue flower inside hanging on a black cloth necklace bring tears, how could one date mean so much, how can you just keep thinking that moments should last forever, how can you be one song from death.

Sitting in a hospital room, full of people you love and know, everyone has already come, but one, to say their goodbyes, you can hear,  I know you can because of what happens later. After a year of chemotherapy we all thought it would all be ok but that was not the case, you were a lot worse than any of us could ever imagine. Who would've know how much longer you had left who would've guessed that you were just one song away from meeting the maker of the universe.  At first we were still able to talk with you instead of just talk to you the longer you were there the worse you got, but that will happen sometimes instead of getting better you got worse, I deal with hurt by trying not to think about it the whole time we were visiting you we weren't in your room we were on the elevators going up and down, we even made one of the alarms go off, we were off getting snacks, I just couldn't take seeing you in the condition that you were in, I was used to seeing you up walking around baking us cookies and coming around on Saturdays but all that was going to end in a matter of days. When you were sick you would still come around but as you got worse and went in the hospital we would have to travel an hour just to see you but I just couldn't take seeing you laying that hospital bed, so I wouldn't stay long in your room.

Near the end we were guessing that you were waiting for your brother to show up, the one that hadn't come yet, so you sisters had the idea that we should sing you a song, I only new the first verse but I just stood and listened as they sang the other verses I was watching you through teary eyes. When we finished you drifted away from us and went home to where you belong where he was waiting for you. Me my sister and dad were the only ones who were there, from our family, mom and the boys were on their way but we left earlier that morning, we stayed a while longer while all the calling was going making sure everyone knew what happened, I found a little place in a junction behind on of the poles with a space big enough for me to fit in and I just sat and thought about what had just happened, but the whole time I was in that spot the only thing i could about was a song that kept playing over in my mind " and she flew up to heaven on the wings of angles by the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees and she walks with Jesus and her loved ones waiting and I know she's smiling saying don't worry about me" by Alan Jackson. And knew that was what was happening but I just had to believe it with all my heart that that is what happened. Now every-time I hear that song on the radio I think of her and that probably happened on purpose, just so I would never forget.

On the way out of the hospital there was someone selling glass in many shapes and forms, there were bowls paper weights and necklaces, and just as a reminder for that day my dad bought me and my sister both one, my sister chose a heart with a green flower inside and I chose a heart with a blue flower in it.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 12 2015 at 11:58 pm
Leisha Yonkman, Sumas, Washington
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Should fix some of the run-on sentences. Could use a little bit more description instead of using "we". You change perspectives near the end.

on Jan. 12 2015 at 11:50 pm
meckenzie BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Did you know you can now tag other users using "@"?