My Treasure | Teen Ink

My Treasure

January 16, 2015
By m_kopecky5 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
m_kopecky5 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fresh air. Breathe. Nothing but paths around you. Green grass with rocks and dirt create what is known as Lapham Peak. My treasure. 
Walking for hours; getting lost in your thoughts. Scenery like you’ve never seen before.
In the distance, a group of friends walk. Around the corner, a family has a wonderful day of wandering. Past the observation tower an owner and his companion trot alongside each other.
I feel free like a bird flying in an open sky. Alone, adventurous, amused. I walk.
I gaze upwards to see a pair of sneakers strung by the laces around a Smooth Bark Oak tree. A million stories, all entwined within the branches. Each tree entails its own story.
Lapham peak, paths that don’t seem like much to some but are a true treasure to me.

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