Far from Here | Teen Ink

Far from Here

March 8, 2015
By Sheyy BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Sheyy BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot; I may be pretty, but I&#039;m not beautiful.<br /> I may be good, but I&#039;m not an angel.<br /> I may have sins, but I&#039;m not the devil.&quot;<br /> - Marylin Monroe

I close the door quietly, stepping outside into the dark night. I take another look back before leaving the property. With one last breath, I started to walk forward.

None of this was planned. I had never even thought about running away before, but I couldn't take it anymore. Imagine having a life where parents fight non stop, school is a struggle and having no friends or anybody to be close to. Well, that's me. I’ve always walked a lonely road, never knew where it was taking me though. Leaving home seems to be the only getaway, a way for me to change. The only company I'll ever have is me, myself and I.

I keep walking forward, never looking back.

The sun is beginning to rise. My surroundings are starting to get crowded and my parents will find out I’m gone any moment from now.  I need to find a place to stay until night time comes around. Then, that will give me a chance to sleep and let all the catastrophe calm down. Speed walking, I start to think of a plan. My mind has gone blank. It’s kind of hard to think of anything immediately since I haven’t slept.  As I try to think harder, my mind is getting louder. I’m afraid if I think any harder, my head will explode.

“Why is it so loud inside my head?” I angrily whisper to myself. I begin to think it’s my thoughts screaming, yet not being heard. I finally stop speed walking to calm myself down. Suddenly, to what I thought were my thoughts screaming to be heard, the noise began to sound like sirens.

“Sirens!” I said as I started to run. The police were finally in action. My heart felt as if it were to pound out of my chest and it was hard to breathe. Think Sierra, think.

“What are you  going to do?’ I faintly talk to myself. I look around as I keep running. Suddenly, without any warning or notice, I tripped and fell. Everything in the world appeared in slow motion. The sirens quieted down and I could hear the sound of my heartbeat. In an instant, everything went black.

The author's comments:

This is just another piece I'd like to publish for school mianly.

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