Two Inseparable Souls | Teen Ink

Two Inseparable Souls

May 19, 2015
By Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who see all beauty. No one understands them. Two inseparable souls with beating hearts and immense smiles. Two who do not judge the lives of others. Two hopeless romantics hidden amongst society. From the night sky, you can hear their whispered wishes, but only if you sit in silence.
Their love is infinite. They dream of a world filled with happiness. They search for the beauty in everything and they find that the world can be a cruel place but can change with a little positivity. This is how they love.
Let one see the world this way, and they’d speak words of the unspoken, each with their hearts beating loud. Beauty, beauty, beauty they say when they see the damaged. They love.
When I am falling apart and feel too unwanted to keep loving, when the sun is no longer shining, that is when I think of the souls. When there is nothing left to love in this world. Two who smile despite the broken. Two who dream and only see beauty. Two whose only reason is to love and to be loved.

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