Feeling Green | Teen Ink

Feeling Green

July 8, 2015
By Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Color outside the lines."

I was sitting in the car, listening to the usual Top 40 Pop music station an humming along to Ellie Goulding and Taylor Swift and whatever was popular back then, while my mom sat next to me, driving the car and slowly bopping her head along to the songs she had heard so many times. This was the music I was used to, because it was all I listened to. It was all that I thought really existed. Everything else, in my eyes, was "Old Music" and wasn't good at all. So, there we were, listening to the usual music, when suddenly, my mom looked at me. "Can I change the station?" she asked me. I slowly nodded. "Sure," I said. I mean, how bad could a few minutes of different music be? My mom hit a button, and suddenly blaring guitars, beating drums, and a hard rock voice came through the speakers. My eyebrows raised in wonder. This wasn't like the rest of my mom's music. This was... really good! "Mom, who is this?" I asked. She looked at me, and slowly a wide grin rose upon her face. "You like it, don't you? This is a band called Green Day, and they are one of my favorites," she said, before turning her face back towards the road and singing a few verses of the strange but amazing song. Too soon, the song ended, and one of the usual, boring songs came on, but I wasn't listening. Replaying through my mimd was the voice and the amazing guitar and drums put together in this song. How had I never heard this before? Flash forward a few years, I looked Green Day up on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Pandora, and every other music app I had, just to hear that voice and those instruments together, givingme the same warm feeling or astonishment and wonder as that first day in the car.

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