National School Lunch Week | Teen Ink

National School Lunch Week

October 26, 2015
By emilysanchez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
emilysanchez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"no" - Rosa Parks

Everyone can agree that one of America’s most favored meals is pizza. Who doesn’t like pizza? The utter perfection of the delectable pie is enough to get your mouth watering with hunger.

In my case, the school cafeteria’s pizza is unlike any other pizza I have tasted. The slightest hint of pizza in the air can get my taste buds restless. The moment I get into the lunch line is as if I were a few steps away from heaven. The triangular slice of happiness that is bestowed upon my lunch tray can be compared to a gift from the gods. Glowing with pride from the melted mozzarella, who would disagree?


Before every slice of pizza I eat, I inspect the artfully crafted masterpiece down to the last crumb to see how this classic, aromatic meal has outdone itself once again. From the buttery, authentic crust to the layer upon layer of cheesy goodness who wouldn’t want to inspect the art? After the inspection, it is time to devour the skillfully flavored pizza. The rush of warmth that greets your tongue mixed in with cheese, bread, pepperoni, and tomato sauce in your mouth is an indulgent experience from start to end. Bursts of flavor are mixed with feelings of pure euphoria. The first bite of pizza is always the best because it is the “welcome committee” for more snippets of joy to come.

Alas, the moment arrives when your entire emotional roller coaster comes crashing to a halt, the dreadful “last bite”. No one really wants to face the facts, everyone always becomes nostalgic for that first piece of pizza, and alas the moment of bliss comes to a stopping point. That last bite is everyone’s ticket home to the sad reality called life. Even if it were just for a few minutes, that slice of pizza was our piece of heaven; pure bliss.

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