The Flag | Teen Ink

The Flag

November 5, 2015
By snappywriter135 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
snappywriter135 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom... a powerful word! By definition, freedom  means “The power or right to ask, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint”. But “freedom” means much more than that to an American.

Freedom is so powerful to Americans that we have our own symbol for it and this  is the American Flag. Though a subtle orientation of stars and stripes, the American flag is a symbol of “freedom”to everyone around the world. It is a Beacon of hope, peace, and prosperity to those who seek refuge from the wicked and trifling oppression around the world. To us as americans the Flag means more than just a symbol of our nation it is the sign that we are free. Free to speak what we want, free to practice our religion. The american flag sends the message to all nations around the world that we fight for what we hold dear such as democracy and fair treatment of individuals. Freedom also comes with a price. A price that many men and women have sacrificed their lives to defend our country of freedom. The american flag has flown in some of the memorable places in the world and the universe. places like Iwo Jima, New York Ground Zero, and the moon. And in all those places it has flown because those are places resemble something, and the recurring theme is freedom.  The american flag is more than just another flag representing a nation. It is a symbol inside of a symbol, and for me it’s best symbol is freedom to live in a country that I can say and do as I wish and not be belittled or mocked for it.

The author's comments:

in this piece i discus what the american flag means to me

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