American Flag | Teen Ink

American Flag

November 5, 2015
By warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The flag represents pride, freedom, and happiness--and in the American Dream is the freedom to paint our own path to create our happiness.  Happiness to me is having an education, enjoying what I do for a living, and having a family.

The flag represents happiness because Americans are able to do what we want, live where we want, and say what we want.  Americans can decide on any career.  The flag gives us freedoms that allow us to feel comfortable and stable.

The American Dream is our ideal way of living since 1931 it was said that the American Dream is how we want to live and how we choose to live.  From the house we live in, to the job we have, and to the people we surround ourselves with,  the American Dream is based off of what we enjoy doing and how we want to live.

A few people say the american dream is gone due to new ways life is expected to be such as being experts at what we do and just average isn’t good enough anymore.  It is said that the new generations are changing the way of life.  I believe that the dream is still there--if people are happy with their lives and maintain their ideal way of living, we the people, are living our own way of the american dream.

The american dream makes our nation tremendous--other countries don’t do anything like it and the thought of the american dream and this could be why we are strong.  We establish ideas that others do not even think about.  We have this thought that we complete any task we put our mind to which is solid and is a reason why we have accomplished such effects.

When we collide with problems, we have to be determined and push through those times to get to where we want to be, happy and saying “I am living the american dream!”  The flag represents our happiness to be able to say we live here and are proud to call ourselves Americans.

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