Waiting | Teen Ink


November 19, 2015
By ashley7900 BRONZE, Hemet, California
ashley7900 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the sweaty palms and cracking shins as if it were yesterday.The sound of heavy breathing our feet hitting the track during warm ups. I remember the burst of energy I got when I got a new personal record and improved my technique. I remember my first meet to my last as if season had just ended last week, but season did not end just last week, it ended in April.

From the tiring practices, to lectures from coaches , to weight lifting , to meets , I miss it all. I miss the fantastic people I met as a freshman that graduated last year and the bus rides to other schools and the bus rides back to Hemet High after a victory.I miss the empowering feeling on the day of a meet where you feel unstoppable. The feeling after a victory and when you improve your technique and throw a new personal record.  If there is one word to describe Hemet High’s track team, it is family. Everyone was constantly supporting you to do your best and cheering you on and helping one another. Helping move hurdles to warming up with you on the field to encourage you, everyone always showed support to one another. If you did not do so well at a meet, I promise you people will try to encourage you and cheer you up saying you will do better next time. I miss my second family.

At first when season ended I was sad but I was glad to have some time back.Now, all do is wait eagerly for Spring to come. I remember the first time I received a new personal record. “Number one, Ashley Roy” the lady at the shotput ring called. I was nervous, it was my first away meet and my hands were sweaty. I stepped into the ring for my first throw , I pushed the eight pound ball into my neck as hard as I could and bent over to start my technique. “Shot in neck, balance , kick ,feet against toe board, explode” is what I kept repeating in my head, these are exactly what I did. “Sixteen feet” the woman called, disappointment washed over me. This below my personal record which at the time was 18 feet and 3 inches. I had two more throws left since I was JV.

The woman went through the list fast and before I knew it she called number one again. I stepped into the ring and positioned my feet and repeated my technique ,”shot in neck,balance,kick, feet against toe board, explode!” I was much more satisfied with a throw that measured out to 18 feet and 1 inch , but was disappointed I had not gotten a new personal record. I rubbed chalk in my hands to rid of as much sweat as possible and on my shot as well. The woman proceeded through the JV girl throwers for the second time. This was my last chance till next week to get a personal record. I stepped into the ring more determined than ever and pushed the shot into my neck till it hurt. Shot in neck, balance, kick,feet against toe board, explode! I saw wear the ball had landed and was satisfied knowing it had to be somewhat of a improvement, I exited the back of the ring. The San Jacinto varsity throwers measured. “Twenty feet eight inches!” I heard one of them yell, I jumped in excitement and my friend Kelsey came and congratulated me and gave me a high five.

My last meet was league finals for JV and I had never missed an activity as much before. This year I am determined to have drastic improvements from last year and I will over come any and every obstacle in my why. Until I can prove this , I am practicing techniques and exercising on my own. Until I can do this, I am waiting for season to come, and I hope it comes as fast as possible.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece due to the beginning of winter sports soon , it's one season closer to spring. I hope people can relate to this and the waiting for your sport to start again.

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