The Scent of Lilacs Coming Through the Window | Teen Ink

The Scent of Lilacs Coming Through the Window

November 24, 2015
By purple1612 BRONZE, Salem, Massachusetts
purple1612 BRONZE, Salem, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

(Based on Seneca)

I am thinking about my backyard in the springtime. The grass is newly grown, a brilliant green from the horrible winter we just had, and I notice the lovely pink flowers that bloomed on the dogwood tree and the light pink white flowers that bloomed on the crabapple tree. Then in the far backyard are the light purple lilacs that give off a lovely scent. The scent is of a vanilla like scent. When I go outside, I use my pliers to cut off a few branches of the lilacs. The lilacs fill the kitchen with a fresh scent of vanilla. I go back outside to tan, and I see a hummingbird fly by, and I hear robins chirping and my dog barking at a bunny as it hops by. My dog tries to chase it but can’t catch it. I love the feeling of the sunbeams beating down on me as I reapply Hawaiian tropic sun tanning oil. I notice the golden glow I am beginning to get. I hear the bees buzz by and the ants crawl on the ground to their ant hills. I watch the squirrels crawl up the tree. I also notice the yellow daffodils bloom alongside the shed--they’re a brilliant yellow. The sun is shining very brightly; it’s a lovely day not a breeze and the air is still. There is not a cloud in the sky. I can see my cat peeking out the window watching my dog trying to chase a squirrel up a tree. He’s lying in the windowsill; he seems to be enjoying the sun. I flip over to tan my backside I am listening to Ariana Grande music as I am tanning my last session. I hear a plane pass by and wonder where it is traveling to. I wish I was on that plane going to Huntington Beach California. I finish tanning my backside, and I get up to water my flowers around the yard, and the sun begins to set. I go inside and take a shower in lukewarm water and wash myself in the coconut body wash with rose scented shampoo. I lather my hair in the rose shampoo and then the creamy conditioner. Once I get out of the shower to dry myself off and put some comfortable yoga pants on, I look outside and notice the beautiful sunset. It has purple and pink and orange, and it covers the entire sky so brightly. It reminds me of my late grandmother’s red hair. I imagine her looking down at my family smiling from heaven. I look out at the field from across the street; the grass was just cut short for hay for the animals on the farm down the street from my house. It smells good of hay once the meadow is cut. I look out and see a herd of deer, and I see a buck with them. They are eating grass, and I see a baby with them. It’s really cute. I also notice that there is cemetery mist crossing the field. There is a graveyard right down the street from my house. It is a really nice place to walk my dog Tuukka around; it’s really peaceful. I also run my mile runs around that graveyard. The trees in the fall in the graveyard turn a brilliant orange and red--the maple trees are of abundance.

The author's comments:

I love spring so I wrote a fond memory of spring in my backyard.

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