Till Death Do Us Part | Teen Ink

Till Death Do Us Part

December 15, 2015
By ashley7900 BRONZE, Hemet, California
ashley7900 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Till death do us part is not a real thing, anyone can separate with just a few signatures. Till death do us part is not something that is guaranteed when you repeat those words on your wedding day. Till death do us part are just words that are said during a ceremony,their meaning is decreasing one divorce at a time.Till death do us part is only a goal many partners fail to complete.

I knew the outcome of my parent’s toxic relationship was inevitable, I was just naive and hoped I was wrong. Unfortunately , my suspicions were confirmed when I was eleven years old.”I am leaving your dad, we are moving into an apartment soon” my mom told me, the words echoed in my head. At first, the thought of my parents separating was a relief , knowing their relationship was awful. It was good news until I realized that there would be no more waking up together on Christmas mornings,no more baseball games at Angels stadium together,no more game night,but most of all no more of the ideal family.

Having a divorced family is a blessing in disguise, it still hurts sometimes and there is not a day where I don’t think about what life would be like if they tried to fix their relationship.I often wonder if there would be more Christmas mornings with my brother and I waking up at 7 a.m. and my parents drinking coffee and taking pictures as we open our gifts. I often wonder if there’d be more trips to the desert over Thanksgiving break and trips to the river over summer. I miss having the American dream family, I miss not having to worry about whose house I’d be at for Christmas or New Year’s. I miss not packing a bag every other weekend to see my dad. I miss knowing that down the hall from my room are my parents who are madly in love sleeping.I would rather have my family united and not go and meet my dad’s girlfriend’s family or gain a grandma who I’ve known for a year.

But I’d rather deal with meeting new people and treasuring my memories then have my parent’s back together. I’d rather have four loving parents who are happy together then have my parents together. I’d rather have my room down the hall from my mom and stepdad who are madly in love sleeping then my room down a hall where yelling and fighting can be heard.I am thankful that I got to see my parents in love together and know their relationship wasn’t all bad. I am thankful my mom and dad are happy finally after so many years.I am thankful I’ve gained five siblings total from both households through their separation. I am thankful that I have four loving parents now.I am thankful for the outcome, even bad things have a great outcome. If I have learned anything from my parent’s divorce,it motivated me to ensure that my first marriage is my only one.

Yes, I come from a broken family, but my family used to be gold.My family used to be stronger than steel,but even good things have an ending.Maybe, just maybe, the new marriages my parents have will not be another statistic for divorced couples, maybe they will be apart of the shrinking amount of people who put the meaning in till death do us part. Maybe their second marriages will show me that vows aren’t something just said at a ceremony, maybe they’re more than that. Maybe. the second time really is the best.

The author's comments:

Personal experience with my parent's divorce. I hope people can relate to it and it will help them be more optimistic about their parent's separation.

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