Overcoming a Loss | Teen Ink

Overcoming a Loss

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

n your friend or someone in your family that you were close to. When someone you are close to passes away you will never forget them, but you need to learn how to overcome it. As time goes on you will determine how to live on with your life without them. Losing someone is hard but sometime in everyone’s life it will happen. Overcoming a substantial  relationship like with my cousin is hard but it just happens over time.

My relationship with my cousin Larry was active. We did everything together. Every day after he finished with his work we would both take our dogs for walks down the road. I think that my cousin and I were close to each other because we only lived a mile away. At that time, I was living with my grandma because we recently moved out of our house. This is when my cousin and I hung out and got to know each other. He was my mom’s second cousin making him my third. Sometimes we would go fishing and he would even come on the boat with my family and me.

On March 2nd, 2008, Sunday morning, my cousin Larry had a setback. He decided to go ice fishing that day by himself on Torch Lake. This time he brought a heater with him because previously he was cold. This is where he made a mistake. While he was fishing he accidently knocked over his heater without knowing that he did it. This caused a carbon dioxide leak from the heating tank causing him to pass out. That day it was cold outside so he was frozen when his body was found. It is too late to save him, he passed away. I found out when I walked upstairs from my room and everyone was crying. That is when my family told me what has happened.

It took me a while to get over his death because of my relationship with him and how we spent so much time together. The first couple weeks or so were hard for everyone including me. After a couple weeks passed we all began to overcome his death but we would always still remember him. I think that the hardest part about his death was knowing that we will never be able to see him again. At the time we were close, but as today we don’t think about him anymore. I don’t know how I overcame his death but I think as time came we began to stop thinking about what has happened.

Losing someone close to you will change your life forever. You will eventually get over it but deep down you will never forget them. There are many people out there who have lost someone and can't overcome it like I have. If you can it will take you a long time to do so. In order to do this you need to learn how to live on with your life without them and that can be hard. Although overcoming a loss is hard, you will eventually learn how to.

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