Driving Blues | Teen Ink

Driving Blues

December 14, 2015
By YamiTenshi GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
YamiTenshi GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A story writes itself, you just start it.

Let’s get one thing straight, I’m not the best driver in the world.  That can be seen in my other pieces such as Chaotic Morning.  There is a reason why I have the neon yellow “Novice Driver” sticker on my car.  It’s a warning to other drivers that I’m not the best one on the road for I just got my permit and maybe you should stay away.  However, trust me when I say that there are others who also need that said sticker on their own cars.

For starters a majority of us know and hate those people who don’t use their turn signals.  If you don’t know anyone that doesn’t use their turn signals, you just might be that person.  I always use my turn signals, even if there isn’t another car around.  But there are times when I wish people would just use their turn signals.  For example, the perfect place to use the turn signal is the interstate.  Everyone is going at least 60 mph when there isn’t an accident so it would be very helpful for other speedy drivers to just use your turn signals instead of just going into another lane unannounced.  People don’t know when you’re trying to get over if you don't use that magical stick next to your steering wheel.  By just swinging into another lane, other drivers would have to accommodate to your speed or get into an accident and make hundreds of people late to wherever they’re trying to get to.

Speaking about running late to something, I also despise slow drivers.  I don’t mean people going around the speed limit, I’m talking about people who are going 10 mph slower than the speed limit and there’s a lot of room in front of them. Usually people would go around them right?  Here’s the thing, imagine if someone is really close to the turn they need to take to get to their destination, but this person is stuck behind a really slow driver.  If they pass that said driver, they might not have enough room to get in front of that driver because of proper stopping distances between two cars.  Then that person misses their turn because of slow driving. On the flipside, I’m slightly annoyed by people who just whiz past my car. They’re known as everyone else. I try to be a responsible driver but sometimes I wonder why some people aren’t getting pulled over for speeding when I’m going the exact speed limit.  I’m not trying to get a ticket.

Finally, it annoys me to no end when drivers insist on driving as close to you as possible.  There is a neon yellow sticker on my car telling you to backup and drivers just decide to get as close to you as possible to force you to speed up.  I’m trying not to get a ticket today thank you rude driver behind me. What do they think will happen when they get close?  I’ll speed up and risk getting an expensive ticket? No!  Please fellow driver, slow down, buckle up and arrive alive thank you very much. I’m trying to get to point B safely as well and I don’t need your car’s engine breathing down my neck as the headlights glare at me for going the speed limit.  What if I just so happen to brake suddenly?  The car behind mine will rear end my trunk and possibly ruin the engine.  Would that be my fault, no because the idiot behind me decided to tailgate me.

I know i'm not the best driver in the world but that doesn’t mean that there are worse drivers than me when it comes to the rules of the road.  Honestly people need to relearn how to drive, not all of them. Some of them do.  Maybe then there would be less accidents on the road so the better drivers wouldn’t have a hard time getting from point A to Point B.

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