Broken Leg | Teen Ink

Broken Leg

January 13, 2016
By TLAWPIA BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
TLAWPIA BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Ahhh a pol-!” This was the last memory I have before waking up in the hospital with what seemed to be my whole family to the right and left of me.

‘What had happened?’ I wondered. ‘Why am I here?’ I looked around and saw that what looked to be an oversized boot on my leg. ‘Why would there be this boot on my leg? What is on my leg?’ I wondered. 

The doctor explained, “That is a cast, bud.” A cobalt blue cast covered my leg all the way up to my knees, and my toes stuck out from the bottom.

Later that day I asked my mother what happened. “You were going down a steep hill on your bike,” my mother told me, “and lost control.” I guess I didn’t remember much that happened, but my family reminded me of the horrible accident. I was released from the hospital and stayed home for a couple days before going back to putrid school where I had to stay in a room by the office because I couldn’t walk well.

After being told about my accident, I would have bad dreams of awful occurrences happening while I was on my bike. In one specific dream, I was on my bike and guys with roaring chainsaws chased me. I jumped out of my bed into my mom’s room where I sought protection from the bad guys in my dreams.

A few weeks later another disaster happened. While my family was spending the weekend at my grandparents’ house, I sat outside while Luke, my brother, helped my grandpa with work around the house. I, of course, couldn’t participate in helping because I still had a cast on my leg. While playing with my toys in the grass, I looked up and saw my brother struggling to carry a cinder block. Instead of taking a break and putting it down, my brother tried to step over me with the block instead of going around me. Still sitting on the sidewalk playing with my toys, the cinder blocked slipped from his hands and fell directly onto my broken leg, crushing my leg. The cinder block made my leg look like a worm that had been ran over by an eighteen-wheeler but without all the blood and guts.

Once again I was in the hospital, but this time I had a new cast. This cast was crimson, one of my favorite colors, because to me it represents The University of Alabama. A couple days later I went back to school where everyone signed my cast. Breaking my leg made a lasting impression. I now have four skinny screws in my right leg. Today, I have trouble balancing on my right leg because of it, but thanks to the doctors, I can play sports and do my everyday activities with ease.

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