It's Not About the Fish | Teen Ink

It's Not About the Fish

February 19, 2016
By Cesar3_2002 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Cesar3_2002 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The truck zoomed into the premises of Boerne City Lake.  The truck bounced and skidded as we drove down the poorly paved road.  I glanced out the window and I couldn’t stay still, fantasy’s filled my head with vivid images of me catching the biggest fish in the lake. As the truck drove to a halt, then stopped in the crowded parking lot, I shot out of the vehicle like a rocket.  I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath.  The smells of barbecue and lake water filled my lungs.  The sun looked as if it was moved to the perfect spot, right above the lake. This made the water shimmer and shine as if it had glitter in it.  I was ready to go fishing.

I sprinted back to the truck and leaped into the bed where my fishing rod laid.  It had cobwebs and it was sun-bleached yellow. I picked up my rod and leaped back onto the ground.  We walked towards the lake and like a punch to the gut I knew this spot wouldn’t do.  The lake was more crowded than free ice cream on a hot summer day. Honestly I wasn’t surprised.  It was Saturday afternoon, not a cloud in the sky, and the Goldilocks temperature. Life just wanted me to go fishing today and make everything perfect.  I whispered to Joe, “there’s too many people here.”  Joe knew I was right.  There were too many loud, splashing families chatting, laughing, and enjoying this beautiful day.  I knew we had to find another spot.

Immediately, Joe and I looked around like hawks searching for the best spot.  Then, like glow sticks in a pitch black room I saw the spot.  The spot where I knew I’d catch the biggest fish in the whole lake.  I had that feeling where I know I am right, a little tingle in my right ribs. The spot was adjacent to the lake on a tiny slope.


Nothing was around except for a few scattered boats.  We scaled the hill to our spot.  As we got close to our spot the mood changed.  It got quiet instantly.  The sounds of splashing, laughter, and talking vanished into the wind. It was as if only Joe and I were there, our own little slice of heaven.  The spot had lots of bushes and shrubs.  It was untamed.  At that moment, I knew I had found the best spot in the entire lake.

Right away we sat down, hearing the hum of the dragonflies’ and watching the water bugs dash across the water, making trails of ripples that looked like rain drops hitting the water.  Straightaway I put my bait on my hook.  It was a little burgundy color gummy fish.  I put the rod behind my shoulder and flung it forward.  It was a beautiful cast that soared through the orange sky.  The line glistened from the sun’s rays reflecting off of it.  The hook landed in the water making a “ploop”.   I got comfy on some rocks and waited.

Immediately I felt it.  There was a little nibble, Then a big pull that jerked me off the rock.  I screamed! “What do I do?” Joe yelled, “Reel it in!”  The fish soared out of the water. Its green scales shined in the setting sun.  It was beautiful.  I was determined to catch that fish. Suddenly, I was filled with energy like Popeye eating a can of spinach.  I spun the reel lightning fast.  The line was moving so quick it looked as if it would cut me if I tried to touch it.  Joe grabbed the net and scooped the fish up like a pelican.  It was a huge green bass with big white eyes.  The fish was beautiful.  A true work of art and I had caught it. I felt proud of myself and then Joe told me something that I will always remember.  “I am really proud of you CJ.  I am glad we came.”

Rather than spending this day playing video games or hanging out with my friends, I went fishing with Joe. I sometimes think to myself what if I had decided not to go and miss out on this opportunity. What if I had kept doing my repetitive activities of video games and texting with friends. It’s almost as if looking at a passing train, and wondering where it’ll take you and what adventures you’d have. Sometimes you just got to break the routines and strive to do something new and think, what new adventures and places it’ll take you.  “Thank you Joe.” I whisper.  Joe and I have gone on many more fishing trips since then but this trip holds a special place in my heart.  Looking back the fish was not the only trophy I took home that day, I also caught a memory that will last a lifetime, and that's one trophy you wont forget.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a fishing trip I went on with my step dad.  The excitement of catching my first fish was outweighed by the fact that I was with him and the pride we both felt over me doing something for the first time.

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This article has 2 comments.

Kristina said...
on Feb. 25 2016 at 2:48 pm
What a beautifully written story! Great job and so detailed and perfect imagery.

Big momma said...
on Feb. 24 2016 at 7:09 pm
Wonderful, relatable story. Heartwarming.