A Hero | Teen Ink

A Hero

March 2, 2016
By paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are heros and they save the world from terrible, evil, and ruthless creatures. They aren’t just heros, they are vets. They do rescue the world of pets. “There are aproximately 73 million dogs in the U.S.” according to factspage and without vets there wouldn’t be nearly as many. They protect people from losing beloved pets. That is a job worth doing if it means I can save lives and safeguard people from devastation. There are many reasons why I want to be a vet and it’s not just about being a hero. It has a lot to do with my personal life and my interests, which are my love for animals, my interests in biology, and my interests in learning new things.


Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved animals. I was always the one who touched the salamander, or asked to pet the puppy. It seems like I would respect animals, just like when I was little, if I become a vet. Having respect for the animals makes me think of vets as trustworthy. When a frightened pet owner is waiting in the room for the vet to come they need to be talking to a reliable person. Someone who cares about that person’s pet’s life seems like a pretty dependable person in that situation. I think vets also get a sense of accomplishment after they help that animal and the anxious person who is tapping their foot in the waiting room. With my love for animals I got hooked in the world if biology and science.


Being interested in biology and science means I’m learning and exploring and discovering. It’s not just some useless topic. In biology, learning about what makes up life is some pretty cool, yet humbling information. Science is my favorite subject for many reasons. Doing labs, learning about cells and learning about life were some of my favorite parts of biology. I don’t just like biology, I like earth science too. The only subject that has always come easily to me is science. If given a worksheet on biology or earth science,  I’ll get it done really quick.


 Learning something new every day made me feel really smart, and I think being a vet would make me smart too. In science, I would always try my best to answer questions in class, even if they were wrong. I would study harder for every test and quiz because it didn’t feel like studying, it felt like a game. Knowing what kind of problem an animal has and being able to fix it is so fascinating to me. Vets also improvise a lot when they need to. If you can fix problems to save a life because of you can improvise using experience, that is a pretty amazing feat. Since learning comes easy to me, it can be a job that is entertaining.

My love for animals, my interests in biology, and wanting to learn new things has a lot to do with my future goal career as a vet. Getting to be a vet would mean I get to do something that would entertain me and something that I think makes an impact in people’s lives. As a pet owner, I know. The thing is, vets are heros and they do save lives, just maybe not in the traditional way we see heros. Everyone would want to be a hero and leave a mark on people’s lives whether it’s to save lives or not. I want to be a hero, so I’m going to be a vet.

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