Morning | Teen Ink


March 20, 2016
By snowsparrow SILVER, Plainsboro, New Jersey
snowsparrow SILVER, Plainsboro, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair."

It often strikes me as strange when I notice that mornings have the power to change an entire day. When I left my house one morning, the sunlight greeted me, and song sparrows chirped gaily. The sunrise created a glorious feeling in my heart. For the rest of the day, that essence remained within me, and I felt young for the first time in approximately half a decade. However, my usually energetic friend was feeling miserable when I met her that morning. She was rather upset over a small matter to which she had paid particular attention, and seemed dreary and cranky even in the afternoon. Yet, there are days when I feel somewhat sorrowful or annoyed in the mornings. One such day was one on which I received a nomination an honorary student of the month at my school. This did not make much impact to how I felt, despite the honor that I was given, I was simply irritable.

Mornings also symbolize new beginnings. For certain organisms, an hour is a decade, and a day is a century. When the sun rises, they will sound their first call, mate, then perish. Yet, for others, a year is a day, and a century a year. To them, the morning is the first year that they consciously spent on this planet. Yet, when the sun sets upon their backs for the last time, they will never experience another sunrise.

The impact that mornings have on people, metaphorically, is also colossal. Indeed, the dawn of our lives. Childhood eventually solidifies, creating a mature person who will likely not alter excessively after this solidification. The influences that one experiences as a child will be reflected in the future, no matter what precautions are taken to prevent this, for “dawn goes down to day”, and “nothing gold can stay”.

Mornings are much like units of time. They build upon one another, and eventually amass to create an entire lifetime. The sunrise of one’s life is composed of individual sunrises, which continue throughout one’s life. The sunsets lead to one final, concluding sunset. Nothing gold can stay.

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