My Dad Was Never Really Around | Teen Ink

My Dad Was Never Really Around

October 10, 2016
By Katlinmayberry BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Katlinmayberry BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My dad.  A man who was never home.  Never there for me.  Never there for my siblings or my mom.  He began to drowned in lies that he couldn’t swim his way out of.  As much hurt I felt and how much I hatred I had for the man that was supposed be my “father figure” I have begun to see good things coming out of this situation.  I’ve learned how a man is really supposed to treat his wife, children and family.  I have learned that in order to have a healthy relationship with someone trust has to be present all the time.  An older man at my youth group once came up to me and asked me to share some things about my dad.  When I was done he told me that my dad missed out on the chance to spend time with me when he was alive.  He also told me that when I meet the man of dreams he will be the best husband and dad alive.  He will be a dad that is always around for his wife, children and family.

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